Saturday, May 8, 2010


Finding Joy - In the Moment

There is no time for the future
the past is beyond reproach
Finding peace - In the Moment

Gaining momentum
Life is giddy and exciting
Finding Contentment - In the Moment

Fear abounds,
Tension about the future is reprehended
Finding safety - In the Moment

Horrors of life
powerful people and objects are rendered tiny
Finding self-esteem - In the Moment

Looking for that million
Impoverished I stood, but riches are endless
Finding true wealth - In the Moment

Hoping for more
but finding God's grace is all i ever wanted
Finding God - In the Moment

Friday, May 7, 2010


Align yourself with life
Space doesn't exist, so home isn't a distant planet. 
 Home is the realization that I am what I have always been. 
 A core lifetime is when the light from the universal principle penetrates the time-space membrane.  The corelight, core lifetime is the entity... YOU.  
Because of the way time-space is made, this planet, our lives, are all a hologram--everything we see. 
You came here to create through a creative principle.  
When you are outside a physical embodiment, your thought is reality and whatever you think, automatically manifests.  
The amount of thoughts you have about yourself and about your life in one day is approximately ten to fifty thousand thoughts. If you were to manifest every single thought...look at what you life would do on an hourly basis.  
Your physical embodiments right now are emotionally a product of your past.  To create and manifest  in your current now you have to let go of the past.  We must teach our bodies how to be the future and the present.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Endless Treasure

I could be True
just for You

we could turn the darkness to light
trip over the foibles with delight

you could ying my yang
we could sing and sang

Your true north strong and free
guarding you with glee

turn sadness into diamonds
to mine heart's gladness

of the blandness
there would be no blindness

the new earth to walk
no adventures to balk

give cold memories their forgiveness
turn dreams into devineness

not to judge, nor be haste
loving as if we were chaste

A love we know no like no other
endless treasures to discover

Boundless Nothingness Glory - byron

prose appreciation clothes depreciation sinusoidal airwaves scandalous enclaves.
Thou doth thou mock me, my time and my wherewithal thee enchantress with mystical
eyes glazing mischieviously into precious infinity with neglectful reality, a painful reality
yet insidiously pleasureable enduring it witifully with wine.

hope against hope, against all odds , at wits ends, time mends. i am the farmer who looks after the farm,
the fireman looking after the fire. oh the boundless energy of man, feast on the beast, mock the clock,
the new jurasalem, paradise waits for you without end.

i am intention bound into stardust exploding backwards to nothingness, the alternate lonely universe with
no pretty flower to adorn my world.  

Lileth and the Nine Wonders

Day after day i dream upon a day
that i shall pass through the portal of the mediocrity
A strange white lady awaits eagerly
to lead me across the ethos of unholyness and darkness
to be metamorphesized in to a better being.

I being relieved of the earthly , fleshy  temptations
the lady belongs to an order know as the "Lileth"
the White Lileth  who will take me through the tunnel of night
she gonna lead me right !

As a life i have led of mediocrity,  all is not right
but harken back to the day when I was more innocent , unstained and Alive
now my days are dark, drab and dead...
and i lie awake, an unsufferable shuddering helpless hero
but Lilith is patiently willing to take me through the tunnel
To become the person I am destined to be.
A man full of the fruits of the Spirit - the Nine wonders of my World.

Being Positive

One way to become enthusiastic is to look for the plus signs.  
To make progress in any difficult situation, you have to start with what's right about it and build on that.   

Beginning our days with a positive mental outlook is a great depression chaser. 
Simply lifting our heads and looking up and out instead of down will make us feel better.  

Although we can't spend our time staring at the sky, we can train ourselves to look for the best in ourselves and others.  
We are the masters of our fate. 

We can change even the most difficult situations with an attitude of hope and positive expectation.  
Approaching each day with  hopeful heart will give us a different approach to our troubles.

Resolute Infinity - An ode to women

I am loved around the world
by many ladies
whose hearts i have broken
for their love for me is strong
and yet for reasons
not revealed, i cannot respond in kind.

I leave them in the desert -
my collection of angry loving women
whose hearts i have broken
my many ladies that I love
the world over
who give me love and advice

They made me sharp and left me much improved
but like an abondoned graveyard
I have neglected and forgotten them
all the dreams and hopes I left behind
never to be resurrected until the end times...

Mortal man may only love in his Earthly moments
laugh, cry, suffer, try and taste
like an assortment of fine wines in a tasting event
a moment that will come and go
only to be sampled once or twice...

Love forgotten , abondanded,
friends left behind.
It was mighty good that we shared time together
now memories are the glimmer of light
that lites our dim past
Oh how I love living in the moment.

Jan is my mentor, i shall never let on
how she has touched me
she is distant and immoveable
for she will never marry again.
so sad is the broken heart that needs
a steady supply of kindness and love.

I close this fascinating writing
by thanking the giants whose shoulders i have stood upon
and have enabled me to see the future
I am disappointed as i have seen right to the end of time
but I am resolute to live each moment in the moment.


Sister, brother
it pains me to see you smoke
it brings to bear the ungodly chemical reactions
the early death of dna
the withering look of prematurely aged skins
the horror of halitosis- shun the kiss !
friend to your endorphins enemy to your cells
the stench to your carpets the underbelly of hell's home
the pains in the chest , wheezing , why ?
coughing's cacaphony the uncreative crutch
The cause of cancer,  the cure for death
another nail is surely for the coffin
the drooping daliances effected in man
Immunity lackluster leading to Candida's Clasp
Oh the woes of the addiction
the grip that gripes the google of droople

Byron - 2003
